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Cincinnati Indivisible
Cincinnati Indivisible is a youth led and youth formed nonprofit organization dedicated to opposing the Trump agenda in the Cincinnati region....more > -
Indivisible Columbus
We are residents of the Columbus, Ohio, area who are committed to resisting the Trump agenda locally by contacting our U.S. Representatives and Senators. We are part of the Indivisible Movement that w...more > -
Indivisible OH 14
Dedicated to making Ohio's 14th members of Congress aware of their constituents' opposition to the Trump agenda. ...more > -
Our Next 4 Years
Our Next 4 Years is a new organization staffed by over 300 volunteer animation professionals (Oscar and Emmy winners and nominees among us) who have banded together to create animated PSAs countering ...more > -
Toledo Indivisible
Northwest Ohio stands together. Resist. Organize. Unite. Indivisible Toledo is a non partisan group created to hold MoC accountable. We represent Toledo OH (Districts 9 and 5)....more >
5 results