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Annenberg Institute for School Reform
A national policy-research and reform-support organization focused on improving conditions and outcomes in urban schools, especially those serving disadvantaged children....more > -
Brown University College Democrats
The Brown Democrats are a campus group at Brown University, in Providence Rhode Island. We are a proud chapter of the College Democrats of America, and we use our time and resources to promote progres...more > -
Climate Action RI
We are concerned citizens working to build the climate movement in Rhode Island. An affiliate of 350.org, we're fighting for 100% renewable energy, a clean and sustainable earth, and environmental jus...more > -
Environmental Council of Rhode Island
The Environment Council of Rhode Island (ECRI) is a coalition of over 60 Rhode Island organizations as well as individuals whose mission is to serve as an effective voice for developing and advocating...more > -
From Mourning to Mobilizing
Welcome & thank you for joining! FM2M is a network made up of kindhearted, everyday, SJW's like you. This group is a place to share action items, events, resources, your feelings . . . you name ...more > -
Indivisible Rhode Island
This group is for those who want to follow the Indivisible Guide method: i.e develop a local strategy targeting individual Members of Congress to defeat the Trump agenda. In our case, that's Whitehous...more > -
Indivisible RI
Inspired by the Invisible Guide Team, we Rhode Islanders seek to hold our Senators & Representatives accountable in opposing the Trump agenda...more > -
National Lawyers Guild - Rhode Island Chapter
'The NLG is an association dedicated to the need for basic change in our political and economic system. It's a political force in the service of the people, to the end that human rights shall be regar...more > -
Our Next 4 Years
Our Next 4 Years is a new organization staffed by over 300 volunteer animation professionals (Oscar and Emmy winners and nominees among us) who have banded together to create animated PSAs countering ...more > -
Providence A.C. T.
Welcome! Providence A.C.T. (Providence Acts to Combat Tyranny), or PACT for short, is a local progressive activism group committed to civic engagement, social change and combating the Trump administra...more > -
Rhode Island ACLU
The RI ACLU performs its work in three major ways; litigation, legislation and education. The cases that we take, the bills we lobby on and the public education activities that we sponsor, are designe...more > -
Rhode Island Common Cause
Common Cause of Rhode Island is a nonpartisan organization whose mission is to promote representative democracy by ensuring open, ethical, accountable, effective government processes at local, state a...more > -
Rhode Island Massachusetts Swing Left
We are a group from Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts working to keep New Hampshire Blue...more > -
Rhode Island NOW
RI NOW takes action to bring women into full participation in all aspects of public and private life without experiencing barriers based on gender. We seek to create a world where all women and girls ...more > -
Swing Left Brown University
Swing Left Brown University...more > -
The Democratic Socialist Party (Facebook Group)
Democratic socialism is a political ideology that advocates political democracy alongside workers ownership of the means of production, often with an emphasis on democratic management of enterprises w...more > -
The Sierra Club, Rhode Island Chapter
To explore, enjoy and protect Earth's wild places; to promote the responsible use of the Earth's ecosystems and resources; to protect and restore the natural and human environment; and to use all lawf...more > -
Women's March on Washington - Rhode Island
Anchored in for human rights for all....more >
18 results