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Personal PAC
Personal PAC is focused on one thing: making sure that Illinois always remains a state where abortion is safe, legal, and accessible to every woman. We fight to remind elected officials that the healt...more > -
Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates
Mission Statement- At Planned Parenthood We Envision A Future... in which all adults and adolescents are in charge of their reproductive lives- in which children are born to parents who have many life...more > -
Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii
Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii (PPVNH) is an independent, non profit, nonpartisan organization educating residents and policy-makers about reproductive health issues in Alaska, Hawaii, ...more > -
Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii
Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii (PPVNH) is an independent, non profit, nonpartisan organization educating residents and policy-makers about reproductive health issues in Alaska, Hawaii, ...more > -
Public Health Awakened
Public Health Awakened is a national network of public health professionals organizing for health, equity, and justice. We are calling on public health nonprofits, government agencies, academics, and ...more > -
Public Health Justice Collective
The Public Health Justice Collective is a group of public health workers, researchers, students, and advocates dedicated to working together at the intersection between public health and social justic...more > -
Retake Our Democracy
Retake Our Democracy is a volunteer-based non-profit organization committed to making personal and collective activism easier and more effective. Our goal is to build grassroots power to successfully ...more > -
Ruidoso Indivisible Opposition to Tyranny
We are a group of volunteers who live in Ruidoso, New Mexico or Southeast New Mexico who are organizing to resist the hateful agenda of the Trump administration....more > -
S.M.A.R.T. (Sierra Madre Activists Rebuilding Together)
We are area residents who come from diverse backgrounds. We are united in our determination to resist the division, ignorance, and fear that the current administration cultivates and which threaten ou...more > -
She Votes Illinois
She Votes Illinois is a statewide political action committee aimed at highlighting the importance of women’s voices in elections, government, and policymaking. Our work focuses on three things: voting...more > -
Sister Song
SisterSong is a Southern based, national membership organization; our purpose is to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impac...more > -
South Beach District 6 Democratic Club of San Francisco
The missions of the South Beach District 6 Democratic Club are: - To strengthen the political voice of District 6 neighborhoods through active participation in the electoral process. - To register new...more > -
South Beach District 6 Democratic Club of San Francisco
South Beach District 6 Democratic Club of San Francisco’s missions are: - To strengthen the political voice of SF's District 6, through active participation in the electoral process. - To register n...more > -
SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW (Georgians for Choice)
SPARK defines Reproductive Justice as a social justice movement rooted in the belief that individuals and communities should have the resources and power to make sustainable and liberatory decisions a...more > -
SPIRAL Collective
The SPIRAL Collective is a volunteer full-spectrum reproductive options and support group comprised of doulas, birth-workers, and passionate reproductive justice advocates based in the Twin Cities are...more > -
Tangi Democrats and Progressives
We are a grassroots volunteer organization in Tangipahoa Parish. Our mission is to advance progressive and Democratic issues and candidates at the local, state, and federal level....more > -
Tucson NOW
Tucson NOW serves all of Southern Arizona and was formed in December 2016. We focus on actions and events that support women in the Tucson, Southern Arizona, national, and international communities. ...more > -
Virginia Grassroot Coalition
The Coalition represents over 40 grassroots groups working in Virginia. Monthly meetings to collectively strategize and support progressive candidates and policies....more > -
Virginia Grassroots Progressive Org Directory
Searchable directory of progressive groups in the state of Virginia (or working in the state of Virginia). Sortable/searchable by issue, Congressional District, city, county, affiliation, etc....more > -
Virginia Prison Justice Network
Since 1981 the Coalition for Justice has sought to bring groups and individuals in the New River Valley of Southwest Virginia together in order to nurture a grassroots movement for positive social cha...more >
63 results (page 3 of 4)