15 Now Philadelphia
Across the country low wage workers are rising up, protesting and striking for a $15/hour minimum wage. Lets build a campaign here in Philadelphia
We've had enough - it's time to fight!!
Philadelphia is one the poorest large cities in the US. We have endured decades of cuts in public services, our neighborhoods left to rot, schools and firehouses are closed and our children thrown onto the street while the state spends hundreds of millions to build more and more prisons.
They tell us the city and schools are broke and we must all share the pain while billion dollar corporations like Verizon and Comcast use legal loopholes to avoid paying taxes. Walmart and McDonalds reap massive profits, but their employees are forced to work two or 3 part time low wage jobs and rely on public assistance to make ends meet.
But across the country low-wage workers are rising up, protesting, and striking for a $15/hour minimum wage!
15 Now is currently centered in Seattle - where the fight for 15 has the best immediate prospects. Seattle is poised to be the first major U.S. city to win $15/hour. Voters in SeaTac, a small city outside Seattle, recently passed a ballot initiative for $15/hour, and a leader in the fight for $15 in Seattle, Kshama Sawant, shocked the corporate elite by winning a City Council seat in Seattle as a Socialist Alternative candidate.
But big business will not let this pass without a fight. They will mobilize their resources to derail, delay, and dilute efforts to end the poverty wages that are the source of their profits. The only way we can counter the power of Corporate America is by building a massive grassroots campaign with local neighborhood and campus groups, town hall meetings, mass rallies, and strikes.
We aim to build a nationwide movement to win a $15 minimum wage. But it will not happen automatically, it has to be organized, and we need your help.
Follow us on Twitter! https://twitter.com/15nowPhill...
Check out the National 15 Now Campaign! http://15now.org
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