350 NYC
Contact: 350nyc@gmail.com
350 NYC is part of a grassroots campaign to solve the global climate crisis. We are part of a network of thousands of volunteer-run campaigns in over 188 countries. We believe that if a global grassroots movement holds our leaders accountable to the realities of science and principles of justice, we can realize the solutions that will ensure a better future for all.
We're building a global movement to help prevent climate chaos. Let's make NY fossil fuel free!
350nyc.org & https://www.facebook.com/fossi...
350NYC is the the local affiliate of 350.org, a grassroots network of volunteer-run campaigns in over 188 countries working to solve the climate crisis. Here in New York, we are working locally for a cleaner, greener, better New York City for everyone.
Learn more about our campaigns and check our upcoming events to get involved @350nyc.org