Action Iowa
Contact: actioniowa@gmail.com
Action Iowa is leading progressive resistance and change in Iowa.
We began as a chapter of Pantsuit Nation. Now we’re 8,000+ Iowans committed to taking action:
• State level action items
• Chapter level committees - working locally and coordinating state-wide
• Active chapters in Des Moines, Johnson County, Pella, Sioux City, with 8 additional regional groups
• Member of Indivisible
There is strength in numbers – JOIN US
Email: ActionIowa@gmail.com
• Facebook: Currently a closed group on Facebook with
8,000+ members
Action Iowa Committees
• Education - Fight for Iowa schools and national legislation
• Human Rights - Will fight discriminatory actions and fight for sanctuary cities, counties, and a state.
• Common Sense Gun Laws - Advocate for sensible gun laws
• Healthcare - Includes women’s reproductive rights, fighting for ACA, and ending Medicare privatization in Iowa
• Labor - Prevent minimum wage “uniformity,” advocate for state worker’s bargaining rights, fight for 15
• Women in Politics - Advocate for women to have a voice in Iowa politics and support women candidates
• Environmental - Advocate for clean water, fight climate change, fight for renewable energy, anti-DAPL and fossil fuel
Posting guidelines: This is not a site for debate or trolls. We will delete and block all comments and people who disrupt the group's mission for progressive action. There are sites across the internet and facebook dedicated to open discussion and debate and we encourage people to move those discussions to the appropriate debate spaces.