AFSC & Coloradans For Immigrant Rights
1420 Ogden Street, Suite 201
Denver, Colorado 80218
Coloradans For Immigrant Rights’ primary goal is to create a welcoming climate for all people by building broad support for immigrant justice. We advocate for humane immigration policies and work to eliminate unjust immigration practices. CFIR was created in 2005 to help the general public better understand challenges immigrants face and the contributions they make. The media is often heavily slanted against the idea that immigrants should have rights, making it harder for immigrants to organize. CFIR’s current focus on citizen allies builds on past programs working directly with immigrants, which led to the creation of two independent organizations, Rights for All People and El Centro Humanitario para los Trabajadores. Strong relationships with these organizations and the larger immigrant community guide our work. As a founding member of the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, AFSC collaborates with groups across the state to highlight the root causes of immigration and find humane responses to it. Coloradans For Immigrant Rights’ primary goal is to create a welcoming climate for all people by building broad support for immigrant justice. We advocate for humane immigration policies and work to eliminate unjust immigration practices. We educate and organize citizens in support of human rights for all people, with the belief that a diversity of voices grow and strengthen the movement for immigrant justice. We envision communities where all people, immigrants and host community members alike, have the power to determine the conditions under which they live; are valued for who they are; take responsibility for each other’s growth; and can live their lives creatively, inspired by their histories and identities. Many CFIR members have the privilege of citizenship. We believe it is our responsibility to help change the systems that affect immigrants and our entire community. CFIR knows that immigrants are the best equipped to define their liberation. We take guidance from and work together with immigrant led groups and reach out to citizens with a pro-immigrant message. Who we are: The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace and humanitarian service. Our work is based on the principles of the Religious Society of Friends, the belief in the worth of every person, and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice.