Andover Area Solidarity Group
Contact: aasg.info.ma@gmail.com
This is a group to come together with our families and our neighbors to talk and take action based on embracing diversity, practicing love and making sure that our black, brown, Muslim, Jewish, atheist, LGBTQ, differently abled, and immigrant family, friends and neighbors feel our support. We are working to make change, and to protect our rights and the rights of others toward progressive ends. A local group in the Merrimack Valley of Massachusetts focused on social justice and supporting others. This is a group to come together with our families and our neighbors to talk and take action based on embracing diversity, practicing love and making sure that our black, brown, Muslim, Jewish, atheist, LGBTQ, differently abled and immigrant family, friends and neighbors feel our support during the next four years. We are working to make change, and to protect our rights and the rights of others toward progressive ends. Solidarity means standing with others through times of danger, stress or struggle. (http://everydayfeminism.com/2015/08/standing-in-solidarity/) To that end, it is important for us to state what we expect members of this group to stand for and represent. We understand that people will be in different places along the spectrum of understanding and people vary in their priorities. But we expect members of this group to stand in support of: Anti-racism in our personal, parenting and professional lives. This is not being 'non-racist', but actively working to challenge and dismantle the beliefs that enable white privilege. This includes our support for Black Lives Matter, and extends to eliminating racism against our Black, brown, Latinx, Native American and Asian communities. Feminism -- the radical belief that women are people. We work to examine systems of sexism and to eliminate violence against women. We support women's sovereignty over their own bodies. Respect for religious beliefs -- or lack thereof. We especially support our Muslim and Jewish neighbors who are experiencing additional attacks since the rise of trump. We also respect and value secularism and atheism. Love is love. We support our LGBTQ communities and work to eliminate homophobia, heterosexism and transphobia. Economic Justice. We understand that capitalism is a system that enshrines profit and minimizes helping others and true fairness. We understand how this effects the lives of our neighbors and commit to making a difference through meaningful contributions. Disability -- we recognize that ableism and accessibility are real issues and work to increase access. Environmental justice -- climate change is real. Really real. We have a responsibility to defend science, think globally and act locally. Gun control -- we have a responsibility to seek sensible gun reform, and to oppose the NRA's obstructionist tactics.