Belchertown Voices for Justice
Welcome! Belchertown Voices for Justice was formed on January 29, 2017 during a rally on the Belchertown common to protest President Trump’s executive order banning refugees and immigrants. We are residents (and friends) of Belchertown, MA who want to come together to organize events and actions for peace and justice in our town and the wider world. BVJ provides a virtual platform to communicate and connect with other neighbors to share information, support, and plans for peaceful, non-violent activism that is relevant to Belchertown. Our website is www.belchertownvoices4justice.org Guidelines for Engagement on BELCHERTOWN VOICES for JUSTICE If you're new to this group, please read. USE OF THE GROUP: As page administrators, we think the best use of this group would be for people to propose or announce specific events and activities, e.g. 'I want to work on __. Let's have a discussion about ___ and what actions we can take. I propose a meeting on __ date at __ place and __ time. Anyone here want to help me organize this? Who is interested?' POSTING ARTICLES: Please keep article posting to a minimum and please be sure the articles come from reliable, accurate sources. The administrators will vet postings as much as possible, but please do your homework before posting articles. BE RESPECTFUL: Please seek to engage in productive ways with other members that reflect the group’s peaceful and compassionate mission. This doesn’t mean everyone has to agree on everything but that we strive to be the change we want to see in the world. DON’T LIKE WHAT YOU’RE SEEING OR HEARING IN THE GROUP? If it's a topic that bothers you, please scroll right on by. If you feel a fellow member is being offensive or aggressive, please tag one of the Admins in the conversation. THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. We are just beginning and we don’t know what the future holds. Over time, this group may end up coalescing around a more finely-tuned purpose. So participate and stay tuned. It will be what we make it. ASSUME THE AUTHORITIES ARE LISTENING. We cannot ensure that the powers that be will not somehow find their way to having access to the content of this group’s Facebook page. UNCONDONED CONDUCT: Please do not discuss illegal activity/violent actions here and know that such actions are in opposition to our purpose and our mission, and we disown any suggestion of participation in activity of that nature.
Activity status unknown.