Bold Nebraska
Contact: info@boldnebraska.org
125 W Plum St., Box 184
Doniphan, Nebraska 68502
Support Bold: http://bit.ly/DONATEBOLD We are an online hub and grassroots network focused on progressive and moderate Nebraska politics. We are a site for progressive news and action. We keep politicians accountable. We educate Nebraskans on issues and elected officials' votes. Above all, we have fun, do excellent work and are always bold! BOLD PAGE CONDUCT POLICY: Our page is a space for Bold Nebraska supporters and anyone else interested in discussing and debating Nebraska politics and news. We sometimes receive questions about how we determine to ban users or hide comments. Below is clarification of our policies for posting on this page. Hiding Comments: We make every effort to hide comments with inflammatory or inappropriate language in order to maintain a civil environment. This includes, but is not limited to: racist epithets, sexist language, or general name calling of other users on our page. While we acknowledge that some users may want to use strong language to discuss public figures and issues they strongly support or dislike, individual attacks on other Facebook users will not be tolerated. These types of comments will be hidden and in the case of repeat offenders, the users will be banned. Banning Users: We ban users who purposefully post false propaganda, hateful speech, and violent images and words. We also ban: people who put down our supporters people who consistently post inflammatory rhetoric people who deliberately spam us with off-topic posts, because it makes the page unmanageable While we adhere to these guidelines as closely as possible, occasionally we must use our discretion. Donate: http://bit.ly/DONATEBOLD Mail a check to: Bold Nebraska 208 South Burlington Ave. Suite 103, PMB 325 Hastings, NE 68901 Get Involved: info@boldnebraska.org Press Inquiries: Jane Kleeb, 402-705-3622
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