Boston People's Climate Movement
Coalition of groups from labor, environmental justice, faith, youth, and climate collectively mobilizing for the People's Climate March on April 29, 2017. The Boston People's Climate Movement is a local coalition of labor unions, environmental justice groups, faith organizations, youth groups, and climate activism groups that began meeting in early 2017 to collectively organize for the People's Climate March for Jobs, Justice, and Climate in D.C. and in Boston on April 29. We joined forces because we think this can be a transformative moment for the Massachusetts climate movement to build power, become more intersectional and justice-centered, and lift up the voices and leadership of those most affected by climate change. Our work is grounded in the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing: http://www.ejnet.org/ej/jemez.pdf Active groups: >>Environmental Justice Alternatives for Community & Environment Chelsea GreenRoots >>Youth Alliance for Climate Education Youth on Board / Boston Student Advisory Council >>Labor 1199SEIU 32BJ SEIU 509 SEIU Boston Teachers Union MA Nurses Association >>Faith Jewish Alliance for Law & Social Action MA Interfaith Coalition for Climate Action Moral Revival Boston >>Climate+ 350 Mass for a Better Future Boston Climate Action Network Boston EcoWomen Consumers for Sensible Energy Corporate Accountability International Mass Energy Consumers Alliance Mothers Out Front Sierra Club Massachusetts Toxics Action Center
Activity status unknown.