100 West Harrison Street
Washington, DC 98119
The National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association, together with its state and local member programs, supports and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every abused or neglected child in the United States can be safe, have a permanent home and have the opportunity to thrive. Community-conscious organization working to expand opportunities for immigrant and working-class communities in Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. CASA is the foremost Latino and immigrant organization in the mid-Atlantic region and a national leader in building power and improving the quality of life in low-income Latino and immigrant communities. Its vision is for a future in which diverse and thriving communities live free from discrimination and fear, and work together with mutual respect to achieve full human rights for all. Over its 30-year history CASA has established itself as a strong national leader in innovations for Latino and immigrant-focused services, and backbone organization for collective impact involving community-based, government and private partners. OUR MISSION To create a more just society by building power and improving the quality of life in working class and immigrant communities. OUR VALUES SOLIDARITY We believe that working in solidarity strengthens us in the struggle DIVERSITY We believe we are stronger when we enhance, recognize and celebrate our diversity. SOCIAL JUSTICE We believe in social justice and our ability to change our own lives. RACIAL EQUITY We believe in demonstrating and fighting for racial equity. POWERFUL VOICE We believe in having a powerful voice in the decisions that affect our lives. EXCELLENCE We believe we achieve excellence when we collaborate, innovate, evaluate, and take pride in our work.