Daily Grab Back
Contact: dailygrabback@gmail.com
Progressive Political Action in Five Minutes Every Day Daily Grab Back is a resource for accessible and sustained non-partisan progressive political action. Whether you are an experienced political activist or have never before contacted a representative, our goal is to provide daily actions to promote progress that anyone can do in under five minutes. We don’t ask that you ONLY give five minutes, but we do ask that you ALWAYS give five minutes. Our aim is not to promote any specific candidate or political party. We support any person or organization that is working for racial justice, economic justice, LGTBQIA rights, women’s rights, disability rights, environmental protection, and a just and peaceful foreign policy. We challenge everyone to go beyond hitting like or pressing share on facebook, to push the boundaries of comfort, and to continue working even after the initial energy of election season fades. ACTIVISM NOT SLACKTIVISM!
Activity status unknown.