Green Mountain Labor Council
Contact: traven.l@gmail.com
Our Green Mountain Labor Council's mission is to help working people build power at work and in society to win economic, racial, social, and climate justice. We are working Vermonters standing together for economic and social justice. We work to: Build a broad movement of Vermont workers by helping workers join and form unions. Support Vermont workers as they bargain with employers to improve their living conditions and workplaces, as well as their communities, state and nation. Strengthen the voice of Vermont working families at all levels of government and in a changing global economy. Mobilize members and allies to get involved with our unions and communities; Involve working people in politics to lobby and hold candidates accountable; Educate members and allies to meet the challenges we face; and unite with community allies who are struggling for justice. The Green Mountain Labor Council is a part of the nation's largest and strongest labor federation—the AFL-CIO, which unites millions of working women and men of every race and ethnicity and from every walk of life. We also include active independent unions and other working class organizations. The Green Mountain Labor Council is the umbrella organization for active labor unions, other working class organizations, and community allies in the Washington, Orange and Lamoille counties of Vermont.
Activity status unknown.