Heartland TX Indivisible
We are the resistance to Trump's agenda. This is an environment where we can coordinate efforts to mobilize and contact congresspeople, share resistance strategies, and promote community events and demonstrations. Calling your congressperson can be intimidating! We will be sharing best practices and scripts. Be polite, stick to the topic, and focus on one issue at a time. If you can, call, don't write. Senator John Cornyn: 202-224-2934 Central Texas office: 903-593-0902 Senator Ted Cruz: 202-224-5922 Central Texas office: 512-916-5834 Rep. Mike Conaway (11th District) D.C. office: 202-225-3605 San Angelo office: 325-659-4010 Find your local representative at www.house.gov/representatives/find Please feel free to add friends and share, but please keep in mind that this is a group to share helpful strategies and actions, not funny or inflammatory memes. Admins reserve the right to delete distracting and unproductive posts and trolls.
Activity status unknown.