Indivisible Houston
The US is a republic, not a dictatorship. We demand that our congressional representatives stand up to the White House and defeat the Trump agenda. OUR MISSION Build an inclusive coalition at the Houston level to fight the rise of tyranny in America. Our organizing principles reflect our uncompromising resistance to authoritarianism and commitment to civil rights, fundamental institutions, and the American social fabric: Donald Trump, his presidential administration, and the current Republican leadership of the US government and the State of Texas are a threat to America: its people, its ideals, and its communities. The agenda of the Trump administration and all those who support it in the United States Congress, in the Texas Statehouse, and in our local communities must be opposed. We believe in an American democracy committed to good governance. We define good governance as a system that provides for the equitable treatment of all human beings, the defense of our natural rights, and the empowerment of every individual to reach their highest good. We support a completely activated citizenry: universal advocacy, engagement, and knowledge of the people and processes in our communities and our government. NOTE: Our chief job is as a supportive cavalry focused locally on elected officials for defensive purposes. However, since defense and offense are not clearly separated in politics, that can also mean engaging in proactive campaigns and removing politicians from office. For more information, visit www.indivisiblehouston.org.
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