Indivisible NJ 4th District
Contact: indivisiblenj4thdistrict@gmail.com
https://indivisiblenj4.org This community is based on the principles of Indivisible, a tactical guide to resist the Trump agenda. NJ4 constituents of all political stripes are welcome to unite here under the common goal of resisting non-inclusive Trumpian policies. Indivisible is party agnostic. While postings about potential candidates (for all parties) for primary races and for office are fine, this community is not primarily a platform for campaigning. Any inappropriate posts may be deleted by the admins at their discretion. Those considering a run for office or currently running for office may certainly contribute as individuals; however, when taking part in a discussion or asking for help on an action where candidacy may in any way affect your statements, candidates should identify themselves as candidates. Members are requested to adhere to the group’s guidelines when posting. For further clarification on the group’s guidelines for member postings, please review the Indivisible NJ 4th District ground rules - https://www.facebook.com/notes/indivisible-nj-4th-district/ground-rules-for-member-campaign-posts-on-our-facebook-page/870598329783626/ - and/or direct message the admins. For updated information regarding the group’s stated mission, please also review our Indv NJ4 Reboot statement - https://www.facebook.com/notes/indivisible-nj-4th-district/indy-4-nj-reboot/929586160551509/ We encourage members to lend their talents to the group by joining our member working groups. See our groups here, and email us to join: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HjS6Y2PNFjMOOVDl8-7_DQTl-YyN5G7lSL_h_upkCWw Steering Committee (group Admins): Dan Ribet, Kevin Akey, Mike Fisher, Laleña Heske, Jack Losinger, Matt Cork To reach the Steering Committee please Email: IndivisibleNJ4thDistrict@gmail.com
Activity status unknown.