Mercer County Indivisible Resistance
Contact: luvfab44ever@yahoo.com
We are an affiliate of the national Indivisible group. A link to the guide for the national group can be found in an early post. You can read it online or download. The guide is just full of good advice, but we can do anything we want to reach the goal of stopping the agenda of Pres. Trump and those in congress which could harm our country and all of us. Many of the suggested activities we may (as a group or as individuals) do can be done from your home. Some activities may require a few or more of us to meet for marches, town meetings with representatives or with other groups to plan action. You, of course, may do as little or as much as your level or comfort or time available permits. Please feel free to suggest activities and post articles to the page you think would be useful to the group. Welcome! So glad you are here. You may also message me with concerns, ideas, etc. (Susie Morgan)
Activity status unknown.