Olympic Climate Action

Olympic Climate Action



Contact: olyclimate@olyclimate.org

We seek a safe, prosperous, sustainable future for residents of the Olympic Peninsula by addressing the threat of climate change. We will ■ Gather and share the best available science and traditional knowledge on probable local impacts of climate change and the best means to reduce (mitigate) and adapt to these impacts. ■ Stimulate dialogue in the community about these issues. ■ Advocate for mitigation and adaptation measures at every level. ■ Serve as a hub for involvement by other local groups. We are located on the territories of the chalá·at (Hoh), kʷoʔlí·yot’ (Quileute), qʷidiččaʔa·tx̌ (Makah), nəxʷsƛ̕áy̕əm̕ (Klallam), & t͡ʃə́mqəm (Chimacum) peoples. Contact us at olyclimate@gmail.com

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