Our Revolution - San Antonio
Contact: sanantonio@ourrevolutiontx.com
ORSA Strives for social and economic equality, Black Lives Matter, Immigrants, LGBTQIA, and the rest of our brothers and sisters, all deserve a future that is better and without economic hardship. Join us today for a progressive future. Our Revolution was born our of the Progressive Campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders (I.VT) Our mission is to push for progressive policies and candidates, our goal is to ensure that Economic Justice does not stay in the back burner, from Medicare for All, to a livable wage, strengthen Workers Rights through the fight for 15, to a free college and state university tuition free, this issues matter. There is no social justice without Economic Justice, and while we fight for Black Lives Matter and we fight for the rights of Immigrants, we must also fight for the right of every american to be able to live their lives without economic stress. Our Mission: To Promote progressive legislation and Candidates, and to hold our current representatives accountable, regardless of Party affiliation.
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