Is this the Sunset of America? NO! Why should ALL Americans support the Civil Liberties Labor Party (CLLP)? This is an idea whose time has come! It is a Party that loves this great wonderful country, and wants to make sure that it continues to improve. America is at a crisis point, and it ain't because of Isis. We are tired of our People being beaten and slaughtered by the Police and getting away with it. We are tired of homelessness, and joblessness. We want jobs! We want jobs that pay a living wage! We want access to quality education for all, whether they come from a wealthy family or not. We are tired of a Criminal Justice system that only works for millionaires and billionaires, and that turns a blind eye when the Police commit murders. We are tired of seeing poor Americans railroaded by the criminal Justice system. We are tired of endless governmental grid lock. We are tired of government that does not work. We are tired of leaders who seem more concerned with their careers than with the well being of all Americans. We DEMAND change! United, we WILL change America, so that no one will consider it Amerikkka! Our leaders are more concerned with protecting Millionaires and billionaires, and the Corporations that bankroll their elections, because of present day election laws. Our leaders just don't get it. Their class is getting richer and richer while salt of the Earth Americans get poorer and poorer. The Retardicons and the Democrats do not really seem to be in touch with the American people. They are Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dumber! Life in the beltway for them or in the various halls of power insulates them from reality. As they fatten up their wallets they just don't seem to get that the real America is hurting. Do they truly speak for All Americans? NO! Yet they got the system rigged so that it seems that only they can win an election. Yet who speaks for Salt of the Earth Americans? YOU DO AND YOU MUST! Who wants to preserve the good values of our nation? YOU DO AND YOU MUST! Who is going to do the work that it takes to steer this ship of state back unto a course through these stormy waters to a port of safety that will benefits us all? YOU! YOU MUST! We all want an America in which ALL people receive equal protection under the law, and in which government does not trample on our civil liberties. We want a society where people do not sleep in the streets, or go jobless or go hungry or go without adequate medical and dental care. We want a progressive America, not one that is sliding backwards into the clutches of oligarchs and plutocrats---fat cats. Please support the Civil Liberties Labor Party (CLLP). It is a Party that speaks for us by us. The alternative of random protest, rioting, and feeling hopeless accomplishes nothing. Even thinking of fighting our own nation is suicidal and delusional. Please join and support the Civil Liberties Labor Party (CLLP). THE PEOPLE UNITED CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED! .
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