SAVE U.S. - Impeach
SAVE U.S. - IMPEACH is a group formed with the purpose of dedicating concentrated focus on efforts to get Trump and other political leaders impeached. Trump is the initial goal, but our efforts will continue and be directed at other political leaders who have committed impeachable offenses. Many of us have been spinning our wheels trying to keep up with resisting the awfulness coming out of the White House and Congress since January. The daily horror show will not end until Trump is out of office. There are many groups focused on 2018 elections and different aspects of resistance efforts, and those things are wonderful and necessary, but the reality is that even if we stop the ACA repeal or another travel ban or another order to withhold funds from sanctuary cities, there will just be another horrible thing thrown at us the next day. Our victories are incredible but always short-lived. While we celebrate our exhausting, months-long efforts, the White House is chipping away at our system of democracy - our intelligence agencies, our judges, our court system, our checks-and-balances that have enabled us to remain a free country for over 200 years. While we are strong and committed, this pattern of ambush and resistance is not sustainable. The first step to stopping the bleeding is to get Trump out of office. The goal of this group is to connect a network of like-minded people who are willing and able to dedicate their resistance efforts to direct actions aimed at pushing for Trump's impeachment (and the impeachment of other political leaders as warranted). Details of the plan will be posted in the coming days and weeks. Anyone who shares the goal of removing Trump from office is welcome in this group, regardless of party affiliation. This is not a Democrat, Liberal, Republican, or Conservative movement. This is an American movement. Anyone who cares about the future of our country and wants political leaders held accountable is welcome. This is not a platform to post pro-Hillary, anti-Hillary, pro-Republican, anti-Republican, pro-Democrat, or anti-Democrat articles or thoughts. Due to the nature of this movement and the need to include any welcome participants, any posts of this nature will not be tolerated. Please respect your fellow resistance members and let's put our differences aside for the sake of saving our country.
Activity status unknown.