Snowflake Action Coalition

Snowflake Action Coalition

The thing about snowflakes is... you get enough of them together and you've got a blizzard, and blizzards... Shut. Things. Down. LET'S GET TO WORK, TOGETHER. Remember that feeling on November 8th, when we put on our pantsuits (real or metaphorical) and set out for the polls? That contagious combined feeling of inspiration, optimism, and collective purpose? It's time to get that feeling back, and turn it into action. Sharing stories has been a great way to connect and commiserate, but underneath all of those stories, there has also been a hunger for action. Hopefully, this will be the place where various local groups who sprang out of Pantsuit Nation can share their ideas and plans for action. This can be a place where we all learn from each other how to be grass roots organizers. This group is INTERSECTIONAL, and open to all (regardless of party affiliation) who are committed to taking action to preserve equality and justice for all, regardless of race, nationality, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, or ability. It is open to all who wish to restore decency and ethics to our government at the local, state, and national levels. It is open to all who wish to take action to protect our environment and fight climate change. This group is committed to intersectionality. For the sake of transparency - the goal is to build a LATERAL action network (not top down heirarchical), to recruit candidates for office, establish action items, and yes,raise funds to support those efforts..

Activity status unknown.
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