UFFDA - ND Indivisible
Contact: uffda.nd6@gmail.com
A grassroots org. of people, holding our local and nat'l. elected officials accountable. Using a coordinated proactive, defensive, & nonviolent approach against adverse agendas. Our Mission To employ grassroots strategy and tactics targeting individual members of government on both local and national level. Our modus operandi is a proactive and defensive approach focused on exposing and defeating a government agenda built on racism, authoritarianism, sexism, corruption and other injustices. Who We Are We are your neighbors, coworkers, family members, and fellow citizens who believe the liberties and protections afforded by the Constitution are in grave jeopardy under the current administration of our government. We represent the resistance not willing to sit idly by while freedom is replaced with oppression, or tolerance with animosity.
Activity status unknown.