Unified L/A
We are a rapid-response team based in Lewiston/Auburn dedicated to resisting Trump’s agenda of authoritarianism. We are unified in our values of diversity, empathy, and inclusion. We take direct action that pressures our local government (City Councilors, Mayor, State Reps, Members of Congress, Governor) to reject oppression, cruelty, violence, ignorance, and racism. We expect our representatives to represent our values, and together we will hold them accountable for their actions. We meet every two weeks to discuss what is happening at the local and national level and organize responses. We will also stay connected through Facebook, email, and text to rapidly respond to events as they arise. Our goal is to be prepared with public, visible, rapid responses whenever our government commits injustice against our community. Through these coordinated public actions we will show our local government that we are watching, and that if they do not represent us, we will elect others who will. This group is open to anyone and everyone who feels compelled to resist an oppressive government and defend those most vulnerable under the current administration.
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