Upper West Side MoveOn/Indivisible Action Group
Upper West Side MoveOn/Indivisible Action Group
Contact: ageiger3@nyc.rr.com
240 West 98th Street
New York, NY 10025
We're a grassroots group that started out of a MoveOn house party just after the 2016 election and then connected up with Indivisible a few months later and are also connected with Swing Left. Additionally, we work with other local and national groups if what we choose to work on overlaps with their actions.
From now until the Nov 2020 election we are primarily canvassing in Pennsylvania for voter registration and GOTV, soon in New Jersey as well, doing voter registration/GOTV letter writing, organizing fundraisers for Swing Left's Unite or Die fund and as circumstances develop will focus on particular issues such as health care legislation as well. We will be doing work on Warren's campaign soon as well.