Women for a United America
We are women who, along with our male allies, have joined together to help our country heal. Women for a United America seeks a woman to be elected president of our great country—a populist who is qualified to serve and rejects all forms of hate, including misogyny, racism, homophobia, and xenophobia. We acknowledge that, while we all don’t agree on every issue or come from the same party, we do believe in respectful dialog so we can learn from each other. We believe in equal pay for equal work. We believe that when women have equal rights, all of society benefits. We believe that women’s rights are human rights. Anyone who upholds these values is welcome to join this group, however members who harass, hurt, intimidate, or demean individuals or groups will be promptly and permanently removed. It's time for us to seize the moment and show the world that when compassionate people lock arms and seek common ground, we are a force to be reckoned with. Twitter: @Women4UnitedUS
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