Women's March on Roanoke
January 19, 2019. More details coming. Like the National Women's March on Washington, the Women's March on Roanoke stands for human rights for ALL. OUR MISSION This March is just the beginning of a movement to protect the rights of ALL Americans, to remain vigilant in holding our elected representatives accountable to the constituents they serve and for their public and private actions, and to remain diligent in upholding our democracy for all future generations through purposeful and strategic action. WOMEN'S MARCH ON ROANOKE DETAILS: DATE: January 21, 2017 TIME: 12 noon LOCATION: Mayor's Monument in Elmwood Park (corner of Elm and Williamson) PARKING: FREE on weekends: --Elmwood Lot (corner of Bullitt and Williamson Roads) 197 Bullitt Avenue SE Roanoke, VA 24013 --Elmwood Park Garage 402 Williamson Rd. SE Roanoke, VA 24013 WHAT TO BRING: Dress for the weather! Signs of strength, wit and wisdom are encouraged. Noisemakers such as whistles, tamborines, etc. are encouraged. WHAT NOT TO BRING: Do not bring signs mounted on sticks or poles, they are a safety issue. We are not permitted for amplification of sound, so anything that is electronic would be discouraged. Pets are not permitted unless they are registered service animals with proper identification. You do not need a ticket, although we appreciate it if you register on the Facebook Event of www.womensmarch.com/sisters so we know how many people to expect.
Activity status unknown.