Yorktown Together - For the Future
Contact: YorktownTogetherFTF@groups.facebook.com
Yorktown Together is a group of energized individuals committed to moving our town forward by building community. We envision a town and a nation where each of us is treated with kindness, respect, and is represented fairly. This town, which we love, surrounded by all of nature's beauty, has given us the landscape that speaks to the aspirations, needs, wants, and goals of our multi-generational and multi-cultural neighbors. We seek to expand the greatness of all the hamlets in our town, inviting in positive economic growth in the form of new and dynamic commerce, arts and entertainment, jobs, accessibility, and preservation, thus enhancing the quality of our lives. Mission Statement: Through this forum, we seek to empower and support all Yorktown community members by driving open and transparent political and social change on the town, county, and state level to build a stronger Yorktown for the future. For more information, contact an admin or email us at markalieberman@aol.com .
Activity status unknown.