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Concerned about where the country is heading? You're not alone. Join others who care about what's happening to democracy, equality, human rights, social justice, sustainability, and other important to...more > -
Since 2016, #VOTEPROCHOICE has helped prochoice voters find prochoice champions in every election everywhere. Find your prochoice champions today!...more > -
We are a grassroots coalition of individuals and organizations dedicated to stopping the proposed Uinta County Immigration Prison. We are here to keep our families together, protect our rural communit...more > -
1000 Mothers to Prevent Violence
Eases the detrimental & traumatic impact of violence on homicide & violent crime victim-survivors. Family-focused continuum of care provides mental health & grief support, groceries, home ...more > -
15 Now Philadelphia
Across the country low wage workers are rising up, protesting and striking for a $15/hour minimum wage. Lets build a campaign here in Philadelphia We've had enough - it's time to fight!! Philadelphia ...more > -
159 Georgia Together
We are a group of committed individuals primarily based in Georgia. We have members in almost every one of Georgia’s 159 counties and supporters throughout the country. We met one another initially th...more > -
2 Hours A Week
We are a community fostering a new level of civic engagement following the 2016 election by offering you 2 hours a week of tangible action....more > -
21st Century Democrats
21st Century Democrats is a 527 political action committee founded in 1986 as Democrats 2000 by Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, former Texas Agriculture Commissioner, radio commentator and Progressive Democr...more > -
21st Century Wilberforce Initiative
As religious freedom advocates, we mobilize and equip partners, including Christians, activists and people of other faiths, to promote global protections and reforms through Advocacy, Capacity buildin...more > -
314 Action
314 Action is a nonprofit 501(c)4 that was founded by members of the STEM community, grassroots supporters and political activists who believe in science. We are committed to electing more STEM candid...more > -
31st St. Swing Left
Winning back the House... and then the country....more > -
350 Asheville
We are working together to secure a healthy planet for this and future generations. We are taking climate action now to promote real and lasting social and environmental justice for all people....more > -
350 Atlanta
350 ATL is building a climate movement in Atlanta crossing traditional lines of division and creating ways to unite our diverse people around a vision of our future that we can all work for. There is ...more > -
350 Austin
350 Austin is a local, grassroots organization committed to the goals and strategies of 350.org. We believe that 350 Austin may be uniquely positioned to influence the direction of climate change acti...more > -
350 Bay Area
We are building a grassroots climate movement, working for deep reductions in carbon pollution the San Francisco Bay Area & beyond. Our vision is: Clean, healthy, and sustainable communities for a...more > -
350 Bellingham
350 Bellingham is here to help raise awareness on the impacts of climate change and participate in the global, national and regional 350.org days of action, at the local level. We also support the reg...more > -
350 Brooklyn
350Brooklyn is an affiliate of 350.org that works locally to solve the climate crisis through education, organization, and direct action....more > -
350 Central Massachusetts
350 Central Massachusetts, a volunteer led, grassroots environmental justice organization. Our goal is combat the climate crisis in Central Massachusetts and beyond....more >
7484 results (page 2 of 375)