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350 Midcoast Maine
'We believe in a safe climate and a better future — a just, prosperous, and equitable world built with the power of ordinary people.' We are working to a cleaner future through the divestment from fos...more > -
ACLU of Maine
Because freedom can't protect itself. UPDATED 09/20/18 Comments policy: We intend the comments section of this Facebook page to be a forum where you can express your views on materials we post and on ...more > -
Brunswick Area Indivisible
This is the public events page for Brunswick Area Indivisible! Please like to receive notices. This is the public page for Brunswick Area Indivisible based out of Brunswick, Maine. All public events ...more > -
Capital Area Indivisible
Capitol Area Indivisible is a grassroots, volunteer organization working to protect human dignity for ALL. We stand for legal, economic, environmental justice. The local chapter of Indvisible for Augu...more > -
Capitol Area Indivisible
Capitol Area Indivisible is a grassroots, volunteer organization working to protect human dignity for ALL. We stand for legal, economic, environmental justice....more > -
Common Dreams
CommonDreams.org is described on its website as "a national non-profit citizens' organization working to bring progressive Americans together to promote progressive visions for America's future. Found...more > -
Environment Maine
We focus exclusively on protecting Maine's environment, speaking out, educating and involving Maine citizens in improving the quality of our natural environment and our lives....more > -
Equality Maine
Equality Maine (formerly the Maine Lesbian Gay Political Alliance), is our state's oldest and largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender political advocacy organization. Equality Maine has over 1...more > -
Family Planning Association of Maine
To ensure that all Maine people have access to high-quality, affordable reproductive health care, comprehensive sexual health education, and the right to control their reproductive lives....more > -
Greater Lovell Indivisible
A political action group in southwest Maine. Our mission is to advocate for governance that reflects the values of social, economic, and environmental justice. We welcome people of any (or no) politic...more > -
Hear Our Voice - Metrowest
Hear Our Voice seeks to promote equality and amplify feminist perspectives through empowering messages and stylish designs....more > -
Indivisible - Crown of Maine
Resistance group for County folk to stand together and be part of the larger movement....more > -
Indivisible in Central Maine
Resisting the Trump agenda!...more > -
Indivisible Sagadahoc
Indivisible Sagadahoc is a grass roots Maine county group organizing for political action using the 'Indivisible Guide- A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda'. 'One nation, indivisible, wi...more > -
Indivisible Washington County
www.indivisiblewashingtoncounty.org Expressing Stiff Resistance in a Principled way. Machias area residents taking political action in support of human rights, social justice and environmental stabil...more > -
Indivisible: Bangor
We are a group of Bangor area residents resisting the Trump agenda through actions to influence our members of Congress. We are following the guidelines in the Indivisible Guide. Join us! Here is a li...more > -
INDIVISIBLE: Piscataquis County Maine
We are a group of residents covering all of Piscataquis County resisting the Trump agenda through actions to influence our members of Congress. We are following the guidelines in the Indivisible Guide...more > -
Local Berniecrats Maine
Local Berniecrats Maine is focused on encouraging and supporting Berniecrats who are running for office in Maine. We also seek to hold elected officials accountable and support progressive policies. ...more > -
Solidarity Forever. The Maine AFL-CIO is a federation of Maine's labor unions. Our mission is to improve the lives of working families—to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to...more >
55 results (page 1 of 3)