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Unite for Rights
Support and Action at the Community Level...more > -
United Voters of Southern New Jersey
The Mission of the United Voters of Southern New Jersey is to provide information and education to it's membership related to the Human Rights Concerns created by the recent Presidential Election. We ...more > -
Voters of WatchungHills
Advocacy group We seek responsible and ethical policies that provide equal opportunity; respect the rights and dignity of all U.S. residents; and safeguard the environment now and for future generati...more > -
Wall Democrats
The Democratic Organization of Wall Township welcomes all residents who are interested in working for the betterment of our town through good government. The Wall Democratic Organization consists of ...more > -
Women For Progress
Women For Progress has moved to a new, private Facebook group for our paying members. To learn more and join our active community, visit WomenForProgress.org and become a member today! We are a netw...more > -
Women's Political Caucus of New Jersey
The Women's Political Caucus-New Jersey is dedicated to increasing women's participation in the political process, increasing the number of progressive women in elected and appointed office, protectin...more >
167 results (page 9 of 9)