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ACLU of Texas
We defend the civil rights and civil liberties of all people in Texas, by working through the legislature, the courts and in the streets. We intend this Facebook page to be used as a platform for disc...more > -
ACLU of the District of Columbia
ACLUDC is devoted to ensuring free speech, equal rights, religious freedom, and other civil liberties. Follow us on Twitter @ACLU_DC. 'So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight...more > -
ACLU of Virginia
Defending individual liberties and advancing civil rights in Virginia....more > -
ACLU of Wisconsin
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is the nation's primary advocate of an individual's civil rights and civil liberties as guaranteed by the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Since 1920, ...more > -
ACLU Sacramento Area Chapter
ACLU of Northern California, Sacramento area chapter....more > -
Action Corps NYC
Volunteer-run group disrupting inequality by transforming passion into effective advocacy....more > -
Action for Justice IL
We are a grassroots organization dedicated to taking meaningful action for positive change. IL14/6....more > -
Action Iowa
Action Iowa is leading progressive resistance and change in Iowa. We began as a chapter of Pantsuit Nation. Now we’re 8,000+ Iowans committed to taking action: • State level action items • Chapter lev...more > -
Action Iowa - Des Moines Chapter
Action Iowa - Des Moines chapter is part of a statewide network of people fighting for progressive action. This page is dedicated to the Des Moines area....more > -
Action Together - Burlington County
Action Together Burlington County is a volunteer, grass-roots organization of Burlington County, NJ residents who educate and advocate for legislation that protects human rights, and work to support a...more > -
Action Together Warren County
We are the Warren County chapter of Action Together New Jersey. Action Together New Jersey has created resources and tools to help support the efforts of existing grassroots groups and to provide a co...more > -
Activists IV Justice
ASJ is a student lead collective democratic organization at Long Island University Brooklyn that address a variety of social justice issues. Promoters of Social Justice. Anti-racism. Anti-sexism. Brin...more > -
America Resurgent
Progressives for Prosperity fights for the American ideal: That all, regardless of immutable characteristic, have a right to life, liberty, and property pursuit....more > -
America Will Be
We are a diverse group of Americans who advocate to protect our liberal, tolerant values, and to help the middle and working class. Our main goals are to fight back against media complacency, especial...more > -
American Family Voices
American Family Voices serves as an umbrella group that helps foster a broad network of organizations – including civil rights, environmental, women’s rights, consumer advocacy and health care organiz...more > -
Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million people who take injustice personally. We are campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all....more > -
Anti Police-Terror
The Anti Police-Terror Project began as a project of the ONYX Organizing Committee. We are a Black-led, multi-racial, intergenerational coalition that seeks to build a replicable and sustainable model...more > -
Anti-Defamation League
We are activists, educators and experts. We fight anti-Semitism and all forms of hate. We advocate for a safe and secure democratic Jewish State of Israel and combat efforts to delegitimize it. We hel...more >
166 results (page 2 of 9)