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350 Austin
350 Austin is a local, grassroots organization committed to the goals and strategies of 350.org. We believe that 350 Austin may be uniquely positioned to influence the direction of climate change acti...more > -
350 Houston
This is the site for the newly organized Houston area chapter of 350.org....more > -
Abilene Christian University College Democrats
We are an organization committed to bringing awareness and different perspectives to ACU students. We take action in a manner that matches our ideology and values as well as benefits the community....more > -
ACLU East Side (Dallas)
'The arc of the universe does not just naturally curve toward justice – we must bend it.'...more > -
ACLU of Texas
We defend the civil rights and civil liberties of all people in Texas, by working through the legislature, the courts and in the streets. We intend this Facebook page to be used as a platform for disc...more > -
Action South Texas
Mission: The mission of Action South Texas is to support progressive candidates and further progressive values through grassroots civic engagement efforts. Vision: Action South Texas believes leadersh...more > -
American College of Emergency Physicians
The American College of Emergency Physicians promotes the highest quality of emergency care and is the leading advocate for emergency physicians, their patients, and the public....more > -
Americans for Fair Taxation
MISSION: Pass the FairTax® . The FairTax Act (HR 25, S 296) is nonpartisan legislation. It abolishes all federal personal and corporate income taxes, gift, estate, capital gains, alternative minimum, ...more > -
Annie's List
Annie’s List supports progressive women candidates who are committed to advocating for women and their families. Our six pillars include championing for reproductive rights, affordable and accessible ...more > -
Aransas Resistors
On her 1/4/17 program, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow hosted a former congressional aide for progressive Democrat Lloyd Doggett, who outlined the guide he and other former staffers put together in order to opp...more > -
Asian American Democratic Club
Asian American Democratic Club (AADC) is a National Caucus to educate, enlighten, empower and enlist Asian American Democrats in progressive causes....more > -
ATXEJ - Austin Environmental Justice Team
Austin Environmental Justice Team Organizing for environmental justice in Austin and around Texas A volunteer led community organizing team supporting local and regional environmental justice....more > -
Austin County Democratic Club
Democratic Club that meets monthly to increase Democratic turnout, assist candidates, inform voters etc. Austin County is unfortunately very very Republican but we are not giving up. Working to unite...more > -
Austin DSA
Austin DSA is the local chapter of Democratic Socialists of America, the largest socialist organization in the United States. The official Facebook page of the Austin chapter of Democratic Socialists...more > -
Austin NOW
The National Organization for Women, Inc. (NOW) is the oldest and largest multi-issue women's rights organization in the United States. NOW's mission is to take ACTION to bring women into full equali...more > -
Austin Voices for Education and Youth
Austin Voices mobilizes the community to strengthen schools and expand opportunities for Austin's youth. Donate to support our work at: http://www.razoo.com/story/Austin-Voices-For-Education-And-Yout...more > -
Bastrop/Paige/Smithville/Elgin Indivisible for District 10
Let's take action to oppose the Trump agenda in the Texas 10th Congressional District, represented by Michael McCaul. The playbook to do this has been laid out in a whitepaper titled 'Indivisible'. I...more > -
Baylor University College Democrats
Meetings are Wednesdays at 7pm in Draper 353. Sic'em Bears, Sic'em Democrats! Proudly tracing its lineage all the way back to 1828, The Democratic Party endures today not only as the world's oldest e...more > -
Beaumont Humanist Society
The aim of Beaumont Humanist Society is to create a volunteer base to plan and act for the betterment of our city, particularly the less fortunate among us. History has shown us that sometimes all it ...more >
246 results (page 1 of 13)