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Action Iowa
Action Iowa is leading progressive resistance and change in Iowa. We began as a chapter of Pantsuit Nation. Now we’re 8,000+ Iowans committed to taking action: • State level action items • Chapter lev...more > -
Action Iowa - Des Moines Chapter
Action Iowa - Des Moines chapter is part of a statewide network of people fighting for progressive action. This page is dedicated to the Des Moines area....more > -
Action Together - Burlington County
Action Together Burlington County is a volunteer, grass-roots organization of Burlington County, NJ residents who educate and advocate for legislation that protects human rights, and work to support a...more > -
Action Together Warren County
We are the Warren County chapter of Action Together New Jersey. Action Together New Jersey has created resources and tools to help support the efforts of existing grassroots groups and to provide a co...more > -
American Friends Service Committee
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that promotes lasting peace with justice, as a practical expression of faith in action. Drawing on continuing spiritual insights ...more > -
Bend The Arc
Bend the Arc is building the power and passion of the progressive Jewish movement in America by bringing together Jews from across the country to advocate and organize for a more just and equal societ...more > -
Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Southern California
Bend the Arc is a movement of tens of thousands of progressive Jews all across the country. For years, we’ve worked to build a more just society. Now we’re rising up in solidarity with everyone threat...more > -
Black Church PAC
The Black Church PAC is a strategic initiative, answering the call to elect leaders committed to ending mass incarceration, defending the right to vote, curbing gun violence, and representing the equi...more > -
Calvary Lutheran Church
Striving to live out their faith locally, in worship and in daily life, and transforming our world through peace, justice, grace and mercy. Strong focus on inclusivity racially, gender identification,...more > -
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)
CAIR's mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding....more > -
East Penn Democratic Club
The East Penn Democratic Club is your local hub for Democratic, Liberal, Moderate, and Progressive action. We organize to resist the reactionary, anti-democratic policies of the Republican Party from ...more > -
Faith Action for Community Equity
Faith Action for Community Equity (Faith Action) is a grassroots, interfaith 501(c)3 non-profit organization driven by a deep spiritual commitment to improving the quality of life for our members and ...more > -
Georgia Muslim Voter Project
The Georgia Muslim Voter Project was founded in late 2015, in response to the growing anti-Muslim rhetoric that was prevalent in mainstream politics and the low rates of civic engagement in the Muslim...more > -
Jewish Democrats Association
Our mission is to support Democrats running for office throughout the Untied States who best reflect Jewish values. ...more > -
Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs
JAC is a national group committed a strong U.S.-Israel relationship, reproductive rights, separation of religion and state, and other issues of concern to the Jewish community. JAC is comprised of thr...more > -
LA Voice is a multi-racial, multi-faith community organization that awakens people to their own power, training them to speak, act, and work together to transform our County into one that reflects the...more > -
Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition
The NWBCCC unites diverse people and institutions to fight for racial justice and economic democracy through intergenerational organizing to transform the Bronx and beyond....more > -
South Beach District 6 Democratic Club of San Francisco
The missions of the South Beach District 6 Democratic Club are: - To strengthen the political voice of District 6 neighborhoods through active participation in the electoral process. - To register new...more > -
VotePlus10 is a free online platform that gives users simple actions to do in just 10 minutes a month—on the couch or on the go—to make a huge difference in our democracy and have a positive social an...more >
19 results