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Black Lives Matter Memphis
BlackLivesMatter is an online forum intended to build connections between Black people and our allies to fight anti-Black racism, to spark dialogue. In the spirit of the birth of the Civil Rights mov...more > -
Broader Representation Advocacy Team (BRAT-PAC)
The Broader Representation Advocacy Team (BRAT-PAC) is dedicated to recruiting and training while identifying and providing financial support to progressive African American candidates for public offi...more > -
Chattanooga InterTribal Association
advocating for the protection of the Chattanooga area's Native American Indian cultural heritage to preserve and protect...more > -
Chattanooga Light Brigade
We're the light brigade. We bring light to issues left in the dark....more > -
Chattanooga Organized for Action
Working to advance Chattanooga's social justice movement everyday since 2010. Visit us at www.chattaction.org! The mission of Chattanooga Organized for Action is to assist individuals and organizatio...more > -
Clarksville Indivisible
We stand for the well-being of all Tennesseans and against any governmental action that threatens the well-being. Life, liberty, and health for all. Things shared in this group are private. The pur...more > -
Concerned Citizens for Justice
CONCERNED CITIZENS FOR JUSTICE (CCJ): Educating, Agitating, Motivating, and Organizing for Social Justice in Chattanooga! Concerned Citizens for Justice (CCJ) was originally founded in August of 1984...more > -
Hawkins County Indivisible
Nonpartisan group working to support a local grassroots movement to resist the Trump agenda and work together to create a better life for all....more > -
Healthy and Free Tennessee
Healthy and Free Tennessee is a coalition of agencies, organizations, and individuals working together to promote sexual health and reproductive freedom in the state of Tennessee. We support the right...more > -
Indivisible - Oak Ridge
Resisting the Trump Agenda in Tennessee's 3rd Congressional District: Anderson, Hamilton, McMinn, Monroe, Morgan, Polk, Roane, and Scott Counties, as well as most of Campbell County and the southern h...more > -
Indivisible Cleveland
Our mission is to fuel a progressive grassroots network of local groups to resist the Trump Agenda. In every congressional district in the country, people like you are starting local groups and leadin...more > -
Indivisible Cookeville
Resisting the Trump Administration and agenda through direct contact with our Congressional Representatives and Senators, Peaceful Civil Resistance, Direct Action, Registering like-minded voters, and ...more > -
Indivisible Greene County (Greeneville, TN)
Respect. Inclusion. Justice. Acceptance. Fair Treatment for All Tennesseans, no matter their race, religion, sex, gender, orientation, or where they came here from. We are Indivisible Greene County....more > -
Indivisible Hardeman County
Indivisible Hardeman County (TN) is pursuing the Indivisible strategy to resist Trump's agenda; focus on local, defensive congressional advocacy; and embrace progressive values....more > -
Indivisible Jackson
Indivisible Jackson TN, as featured on the Rachel Maddow Show and in Huffpost, practices participatory democracy. We are pursuing the Indivisible strategy to resist Trump's agenda. We engage in local ...more > -
Indivisible Jackson - TN
This is the public page for Indivisible Jackson - TN. Please join our group to become more involved. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1787307034927759/ Indivisible Jackson - TN works locally to advanc...more > -
Indivisible Knoxville
This group opens the chapter of Indivisible Knoxville. We are worried and concerned for our nation. May the press be protected to tell the truth, so that democracy can work effectively. May we support...more > -
Indivisible Memphis
We're spending the next four years resisting President Trump and his administration through grassroots outreach and organizing. This group is a forum to organize outreach to TN MoCs to make our voic...more > -
Indivisible Middle Tennessee
We stand for the well-being of all Tennesseans and against any governmental action that threatens that well-being. Life, liberty and health for all. So you're not happy about Trump but are feeling po...more > -
Indivisible Nashville & Middle TN
We stand for the well-being of all Tennesseans and against any governmental action that threatens that well-being. Life, liberty and health for all. So you're not happy about Trump but are feeling po...more >
74 results (page 1 of 4)