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350 Vermont
350Vermont organizes, educates, and supports people in Vermont to work together for climate justice – resisting fossil fuels, building momentum for alternatives, and transforming our communities towar...more > -
350 Vermont
350Vermont organizes, educates, and supports people in Vermont to work together for climate justice ' resisting fossil fuels, building momentum for alternatives, and transforming our communities towar...more > -
350Vermont: Brattleboro Node
350Vermont organizes, educates, and supports people in Vermont to work together for climate justice ' resisting fossil fuels, building momentum for alternatives, and transforming our communities towar...more > -
350Vermont: Burlington Node
350Vermont organizes, educates, and supports people in Vermont to work together for climate justice ' resisting fossil fuels, building momentum for alternatives, and transforming our communities towar...more > -
350Vermont: Central Vermont Climate Action
350Vermont organizes, educates, and supports people in Vermont to work together for climate justice ' resisting fossil fuels, building momentum for alternatives, and transforming our communities towar...more > -
350Vermont: Climate Advocates Bennington
350Vermont organizes, educates, and supports people in Vermont to work together for climate justice ' resisting fossil fuels, building momentum for alternatives, and transforming our communities towar...more > -
350Vermont: Earth Matters Node
Southern Vermont climate justice group and 350VT node, Earth Matters, is raising consciousness on climate change and ways to mitigate its consequences. Earth Matters is one of three working committees...more > -
Advocacy Center at ISC
Advocacy Center at ISC "In October 2006, the Advocacy Institute merged with the Institute for Sustainable Communities to form the Advocacy Center at ISC. The Center brings two decades of groundbreakin...more > -
Brattleboro Indivisible
INDIVISIBLE BRATTLEBORO is a local chapter of the national grassroots movement. Join our private Facebook Group (http://bit.ly/2BEatbO), where we do a lot of our planning. Email us as brattleboro.indi...more > -
Burlington NOW
NOW chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence a...more > -
Castleton Indivisible
Continuing on in the spirit of the Jan 21st Women's March, the Castleton Indivisible Group will work toward a more equitable, democratic, safe and free world. We will take action and figure out what w...more > -
CCV United Faculty
We are the adjunct faculty of the Community College of Vermont (CCV) committed to building a strong, representative faculty union at CCV. The adjunct faculty of the Community College of Vermont are co...more > -
Citizens Forum of Vermont
A group of concerned and motivated citizens In Vermont that want to educate, activate, engage, and build community through fact-based discussions on important issues and action to help make progress o...more > -
Democracy for America
Democracy for America is a member-driven, people-powered political action committee. Our mission is building and empowering a broad coalition of grassroots organizers to elect the New American Majorit...more > -
Earth Matters Vermont
Southern Vermont climate justice group, and 350VT node, Earth Matters is raising consciousness on climate change and ways to mitigate its consequences. We are the environmental committee of MoveOn Man...more > -
Green Mountain Labor Council
Our Green Mountain Labor Council's mission is to help working people build power at work and in society to win economic, racial, social, and climate justice. We are working Vermonters standing togeth...more > -
Gun Owners of Vermont
The Gun Owners of Vermont, Inc. is a non-partisan pro-gun organization, committed to a no-compromise position on firearms ownership rights. Gun Owners of Vermont's organizational mission is to supply ...more > -
Indivisible Barre and Beyond
Our Mission Statement: Indivisible Barre and Beyond seeks to take action on the local, state and national level to promote a progressive and inclusive agenda. Our mission is to uphold and defend our ...more >
40 results (page 1 of 2)