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Organize Your #MutualAid Group: NeighborSquad offers social networking tools to organize with your neighbors or friends wherever they live. “Facebook-like” features enable small groups to collaborate ...more > -
Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition
The NWBCCC unites diverse people and institutions to fight for racial justice and economic democracy through intergenerational organizing to transform the Bronx and beyond....more > -
Rock the Vote
Rock the Vote is a nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to building the political power of young people....more > -
South Beach District 6 Democratic Club of San Francisco
The missions of the South Beach District 6 Democratic Club are: - To strengthen the political voice of District 6 neighborhoods through active participation in the electoral process. - To register new...more > -
South Beach District 6 Democratic Club of San Francisco
South Beach District 6 Democratic Club of San Francisco’s missions are: - To strengthen the political voice of SF's District 6, through active participation in the electoral process. - To register n...more > -
The Andrew Goodman Foundation
The AGF works to increase youth civic power, particularly for Young People of Color, and make young voices and voters a powerful force in American democracy. We increase youth voting rates by supporti...more > -
Tucson NOW
Tucson NOW serves all of Southern Arizona and was formed in December 2016. We focus on actions and events that support women in the Tucson, Southern Arizona, national, and international communities. ...more > -
United Way Worldwide
United Way is engaged in nearly 1,800 communities across more than 40 countries and territories worldwide. We are focused on creating community-based and community-led solutions that strengthen the co...more > -
United We Dream
United We Dream is the largest immigrant youth-led community in the country. We create welcoming spaces for young people – regardless of immigration status – to support, engage, and empower them to ma...more > -
Vote 16 USA
Vote16USA is a national campaign, organized by Generation Citizen, that aims to support efforts to lower the voting age on the local level, help start new local campaigns, and elevate the issue’s prom...more > -
VotePlus10 is a free online platform that gives users simple actions to do in just 10 minutes a month—on the couch or on the go—to make a huge difference in our democracy and have a positive social an...more > -
Women's March Foundation
On January 21, 2017, the women of America came together to defend America’s soul in the largest public demonstration in our nation’s history. Of the five million women and allies that marched across t...more >
33 results (page 2 of 2)