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6th District of IL - Holding Rep Peter Roskam Accountable
This is the public page for the group 6th District IL - Holding Rep. Peter Roskam Accountable...more > -
A Few Good People
We are a Progressive group who meets for an hour every week in our homes. Our mission is to contact our State and Federal Legislators and tell them how we feel about Government Issues....more > -
A Gathering of Democrats
This group was created to bring together people in Natchitoches who wish to become actively involved in resisting the elements of Donald Trump's presidency that subvert traditional Democratic values....more > -
ACLU Sacramento Area Chapter
ACLU of Northern California, Sacramento area chapter....more > -
Action 14th District Illinois
This group was created by the people of the 14th Congressional District of Illinois in order to seek responsive leadership. We needed change and we made it happen! Lauren Underwood now represents US! ...more > -
Action Iowa
Action Iowa is leading progressive resistance and change in Iowa. We began as a chapter of Pantsuit Nation. Now we’re 8,000+ Iowans committed to taking action: • State level action items • Chapter lev...more > -
Action Iowa - Des Moines Chapter
Action Iowa - Des Moines chapter is part of a statewide network of people fighting for progressive action. This page is dedicated to the Des Moines area....more > -
Action Steps for America
This group was created by the people of the 16th Congressional District of Illinois in order to seek change and responsive leadership. Our goal is to make our voices heard, understand how bills move t...more > -
Action Together - Burlington County
Action Together Burlington County is a volunteer, grass-roots organization of Burlington County, NJ residents who educate and advocate for legislation that protects human rights, and work to support a...more > -
Action Together Warren County
We are the Warren County chapter of Action Together New Jersey. Action Together New Jersey has created resources and tools to help support the efforts of existing grassroots groups and to provide a co...more > -
American Bridge
American Bridge 21st Century is a progressive research and communications organization committed to holding Republicans accountable for their words and actions and helping you ascertain when Republica...more > -
American Oversight
American Oversight is a non-partisan, nonprofit ethics watchdog and is the top Freedom of Information Act litigator investigating the Trump administration. Since our launch in March 2017, we have file...more > -
Arizona Progressive People’s Alliance
Creating educational spaces and content for progressives. Organizing progressive activism. Supporting progressive ideas, people and organizations. Join APPA: http://bit.ly/2MJKxGh Contact APPA: info@...more > -
ART NOT WAR is a New York / Los Angeles based cultural impact & PR firm, specializing in social justice movement building and digital strategy. Our team has spent 20 years making high impact media...more > -
AZ AANHPI for Equity
The Arizona AANHPI for Equity Coalition mission is to ensure that the AANHPI and other marginalized communities are a part of the decision making process and garner the appropriate resources for the p...more > -
Better Government Association
The Better Government Association is a non-partisan, nonprofit news organization and civic advocate working for transparency, efficiency and accountability in government in Chicago and across Illinois...more > -
Blue Wave Postcard Movement
The mission of Blue Wave Postcard Movement is to turn out millions of advocates, constituents, and voters in local and national elections, as well as bring awareness to social and environmental justic...more > -
Brand New Congress
Brand New Congress' mission is to elect regular working people to Congress who put people before party to make government more accountable and responsive to the needs of all Americans....more >
81 results (page 1 of 5)