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Retake Our Democracy
Retake Our Democracy is a volunteer-based non-profit organization committed to making personal and collective activism easier and more effective. Our goal is to build grassroots power to successfully ...more > -
Ruidoso Indivisible Opposition to Tyranny
We are a group of volunteers who live in Ruidoso, New Mexico or Southeast New Mexico who are organizing to resist the hateful agenda of the Trump administration....more > -
S.M.A.R.T. (Sierra Madre Activists Rebuilding Together)
We are area residents who come from diverse backgrounds. We are united in our determination to resist the division, ignorance, and fear that the current administration cultivates and which threaten ou...more > -
Sangamon Young Dems
A buncha kids in the Land of Lincoln fighting for good government and progressive ideals....more > -
South Beach District 6 Democratic Club of San Francisco
The missions of the South Beach District 6 Democratic Club are: - To strengthen the political voice of District 6 neighborhoods through active participation in the electoral process. - To register new...more > -
South Beach District 6 Democratic Club of San Francisco
South Beach District 6 Democratic Club of San Francisco’s missions are: - To strengthen the political voice of SF's District 6, through active participation in the electoral process. - To register n...more > -
Tangi Democrats and Progressives
We are a grassroots volunteer organization in Tangipahoa Parish. Our mission is to advance progressive and Democratic issues and candidates at the local, state, and federal level....more > -
The Incorruptibles
The Incorruptibles' mission is to fill all levels of government with unwavering politicians who fight for economic, racial, social, and environmental justice. We do this by training grassroots organiz...more > -
The New DEAL
The NewDEAL is a selective national network of exceptional, rising, pro-growth progressive state and local elected leaders. We support them in developing, sharing, and spreading innovative ideas to ad...more > -
The Progressive Party of Western New York
There is a crying need for reform but neither of the two established parties is responsive to the needs and desires of the average American. They have proven this time and time again. It is time to ma...more > -
Town Hall Project
Town Hall Project empowers constituents across the country to have face-to-face conversations with their elected representatives. We are campaign veterans and first time volunteers. We come from a div...more > -
Trailblazers PAC
We find and fund local-level candidates, anywhere in the country, of any party who stand up for honest government. Trailblazers PAC revolutionizes politics by challenging leaders of any party to act ...more > -
Tucson NOW
Tucson NOW serves all of Southern Arizona and was formed in December 2016. We focus on actions and events that support women in the Tucson, Southern Arizona, national, and international communities. ...more > -
UniteBlue Texas
UniteBlue works to connect the left with messaging, community building, technology, and organizing....more > -
United We Dream
United We Dream is the largest immigrant youth-led community in the country. We create welcoming spaces for young people – regardless of immigration status – to support, engage, and empower them to ma...more > -
Upper West Side MoveOn/Indivisible Action Group
We're a grassroots group that started out of a MoveOn house party just after the 2016 election and then connected up with Indivisible a few months later and are also connected with Swing Left. Additio...more > -
Virginia Grassroots Progressive Org Directory
Searchable directory of progressive groups in the state of Virginia (or working in the state of Virginia). Sortable/searchable by issue, Congressional District, city, county, affiliation, etc....more > -
VotePlus10 is a free online platform that gives users simple actions to do in just 10 minutes a month—on the couch or on the go—to make a huge difference in our democracy and have a positive social an...more > -
WAVE (Women for American Values and Ethics)
WAVE (Women for American Values and Ethics) is a fast-growing grassroots group dedicated to advancing progressive values and ethics. Our mission is to engage, educate and empower our community to adva...more > -
Women to the Front
Women To The Front is an NYC-based, intersectional, feminist action group. Its mission is to fundraise for the many hard-working organizations that protect, defend and advocate for the issues we belie...more >
81 results (page 4 of 5)