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Indivisible South Jersey NOW
Indivisible SJ NOW is for those who live in South Jersey and want to effect Progressive change in Federal policy, and to demand ethical oversight of the current Administration. Join us to get involved...more > -
Indivisible; West Milford Chapter
Engage elected officials and demand the future we and our children deserve! Dear Reader As Americans and Citizens of the World, we have to Face Reality. That we cannot say We Are Free or that We Va...more > -
Inspired by IndivisibleGuide.com, IndivisibleNJ provides information & communication about efforts in NJ to resist the Trump agenda. #standindivisible Inspired by IndivisibleGuide.com, Indivisibl...more > -
Registered nurses with combined 30+ years experience, including ER, trauma, and trauma ICU. Supporting direct action participants and black bloc tactics....more > -
International Longshoremen's Association
The International Longshoremen's Association, AFL-CIO is the largest union of maritime workers in North America, representing upwards of 65,000 longshoremen on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, Great Lake...more > -
Jersey Justice Action Network
Check this page for updates on the Jersey Justice Action Network, a progressive activist group in northern New Jersey. The mission of Jersey Justice Action Network (JJAN) is to catalyze action that s...more > -
Jersey Shore Three & Four
Jersey Shore Three & Four (JS3&4) is a community for constituents of NJ’s Third and Fourth Congressional Districts who support and seek to advance the objectives of the Indivisible movement on...more > -
Kindred SpiritsNJIndivisible
To share information and take action, individually or as a group, resisting Trump's efforts to enact policies dangerous and harmful to this country....more > -
Lawrenceville Citizen Activists
Lawrenceville Citizen Activists (LCA) is an Indivisible group and neighborhood organization of people dedicated to protecting core American values and universal human rights both locally and nationall...more > -
Make The Road New Jersey
Se Hace Camino Nueva Jersey es una organización que fortalece el poder de las comunidades inmigrantes y trabajadores para lograr la dignidad y la justicia. Se Hace Camino Nueva Jersey trabaja a travé...more > -
Metuchen Marchers in Solidarity - New Jersey
Trolls will be banned without discussion!! Event Page for FB Group Metuchen Marchers in Solidarity Group. This is a closed group. Event Page for Metuchen Marchers in Solidarity Group....more > -
Middlesex County NOW
The Middlesex County Chapter of the National Organization for Women was founded in 1970. Our chapter includes all of Middlesex County, New Jersey and parts of Somerset County as well. We meet on the s...more > -
Monmouth County Democratic Women's Caucus
Established in July 2012, the Monmouth County Democratic Women’s Caucus was created to essentially increase women’s political participation in the Monmouth County. Chairwoman: Retha Onitiri Vice Chai...more > -
Morris County NOW
NOW chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence a...more > -
Morris Township Dems
The Morris Township Democratic Committee is organized as a municipal party committee under New Jersey Election Law, and its membership is defined by that law. A registered Democrat in Morris Township ...more > -
National Housing Institute
The National Housing Institute supports the individuals and organizations that work to create healthy and thriving communities. NHI is at the intersection of theory, practice and policy in community d...more > -
Neighbors United for America
A local organization formed to resist Trump's authoritarian agenda. 1. Resist Trump's agenda. We believe Trump’s agenda is racist, authoritarian, and corrupt, and it must be stopped. 2. Focus on loc...more > -
New Jersey AC
Vibha is a 100% volunteer driven non-profit organization with a mission to empowering and educating children in need. that we can positively impact the future of India - even from half way around the ...more > -
New Jersey AFL-CIO
The mission of the New Jersey State AFL-CIO is to improve the lives of working families, to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to the community and to unite all New Jersey loca...more > -
New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice
The New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice is a statewide coalition that creates and achieves policies in New Jersey that welcome and support immigrants The New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justi...more >
167 results (page 4 of 9)