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350 Merced
We are the Merced branch of 350.org and we're building a climate movement through online campaigns, organizing, and actions. We are the Merced branch of 350.org and we're building a climate movement t...more > -
350 Midcoast Maine
'We believe in a safe climate and a better future — a just, prosperous, and equitable world built with the power of ordinary people.' We are working to a cleaner future through the divestment from fos...more > -
350 Milwaukee
The Milwaukee Chapter of 350.org promotes local climate change action, awareness, and education through our volunteer grassroots organizing...more > -
350 Montana
350 Montana works to reduce atmospheric CO2 concentrations to 350 ppm by implementing strategic actions and advocating policies to end fossil fuel burning by 2030. We envision a rapid conversion to a ...more > -
350 Montgomery County (MoCo)
We are a group of Montgomery Co. activists working towards solutions to the climate crisis. Let's make MoCo sell off its millions of dollars in oil & coal investments!...more > -
350 New Hampshire
350NH is an open, community led organization. We are working to stop new fossil fuel infrastructure and to bring in renewable energy solutions. To make big change, we need every granite stater, join u...more > -
350 New Mexico
As New Mexicans, we always stand up for our land & our people. We move to win clean energy for our state, and toward a goal that's as real as it is vital: 350ppm. Get involved in New Mexico's tran...more > -
350 New Orleans
350 New Orleans seeks to amplify the climate justice movement led by Louisiana communities on the forefront of climate change. We work in coalition with other Gulf-based groups to help ensure these co...more > -
350 Oregon Central Coast
350 Oregon Central Coast is a 350 affiliate working on local issues on the Oregon Central Coast that reflect shared global environmental concerns...more > -
350 Ottawa
Welcome to 350 Ottawa! It's happening everywhere: people all over the world are coming together to launch climate campaigns, collaborate on projects, and build a clean energy future. Join us at 350 Ot...more > -
350 Pensacola
350 Pensacola works to empower individuals to take responsibility and to pursue solutions to climate change through local and global action. Providing local support for the international 350.org campa...more > -
350 Philadelphia
350 Philly fights for solutions to the climate crisis that science and justice demand. We promote a rapid transition to a just and sustainable economy, through education, protest, advocacy, organizing...more > -
350 Pittsburgh
350 Pittsburgh is a volunteer climate organization that raises awareness about the climate crisis, the need for immediate action, and the ways individuals can work together to combat climate change....more > -
350 Placer
We are a group of local residents devoted to promoting clean, sustainable living in Placer County....more > -
350 Riverside
350 Riverside is a countywide volunteer group of grassroots climate activists. Like 350.org, we are building a movement that can hold our leaders accountable to science and justice. We work to keep fo...more > -
350 Sacramento
350 Sacramento is working locally to keep the planet from overheating. We're passionate, we're fun, we get things done....more >
7484 results (page 5 of 375)