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#ItsBiggerThanYou is an organization, that provides a platform to support positive social change. Our aim is to uplift, inform and empower communities using the agency of youth advocacy, and radical a...more > -
A Red Circle
Mission statement: The holistic betterment of our community; reversing the effects of racism one person and cause at a time. A Red Circle’s vision is to restore North County to a safe, vibrant, susta...more > -
A. Philip Randolph Institute
Works with black trade unionists to fight for racial equality and economic justice....more > -
Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta’s mission is to protect and promote the civil rights of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders in Georgia and the Southeast through policy...more > -
Accion Latina
A nonprofit organization with a 40-year history enriching the lives of Bay Area Latinos by engaging them in the arts and connecting them to culturally relevant news, information and ideas. Since 1970,...more > -
Acta Non Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project
Acta Non Verba elevates life in the inner-city by challenging oppressive dynamics and environments through urban farming. Founded and led mainly by women of color from the surrounding neighborhood and...more > -
Action Iowa
Action Iowa is leading progressive resistance and change in Iowa. We began as a chapter of Pantsuit Nation. Now we’re 8,000+ Iowans committed to taking action: • State level action items • Chapter lev...more > -
Action Iowa - Des Moines Chapter
Action Iowa - Des Moines chapter is part of a statewide network of people fighting for progressive action. This page is dedicated to the Des Moines area....more > -
Action Together - Burlington County
Action Together Burlington County is a volunteer, grass-roots organization of Burlington County, NJ residents who educate and advocate for legislation that protects human rights, and work to support a...more > -
Action Together Warren County
We are the Warren County chapter of Action Together New Jersey. Action Together New Jersey has created resources and tools to help support the efforts of existing grassroots groups and to provide a co...more > -
Activists IV Justice
ASJ is a student lead collective democratic organization at Long Island University Brooklyn that address a variety of social justice issues. Promoters of Social Justice. Anti-racism. Anti-sexism. Brin...more > -
Ann Arbor Anti-Fascists
This group was formed to express solidarity with Portland, Oregon, to protest against racial injustice and the prospect of federal officers entering Detroit. A2AF Is part of the NeighborSquad Network....more > -
Answer Coalition
A national organization founded in 2001 dedicated to the fight against racism and imperialism, internationally and here at home. A national organization founded in 2001 dedicated to the fight against...more > -
Anti Police-Terror
The Anti Police-Terror Project began as a project of the ONYX Organizing Committee. We are a Black-led, multi-racial, intergenerational coalition that seeks to build a replicable and sustainable model...more > -
Anti-Racist Action-Los Angeles/People Against Racist Terror (ARA-LA/PART)
ARA-LA/PART is an anti-racist and anti-fascist organization that has helped build multiple coalitions over 30 years in L.A. and Southern California to oppose organized white supremacy, mass incarcerat...more > -
APIENC (API Equality - Northern California)
APIENC builds transgender, non-binary, and queer Asian and Pacific Islander power. Through organizing in the Bay Area, we inspire and train leaders, establish intergenerational connections, and docume...more > -
ArchCity Defenders
ArchCity Defenders (ACD) is a non-profit civil rights law firm providing holistic legal advocacy and combating the criminalization of poverty and state violence against poor people and people of color...more > -
Arizona Progressive People’s Alliance
Creating educational spaces and content for progressives. Organizing progressive activism. Supporting progressive ideas, people and organizations. Join APPA: http://bit.ly/2MJKxGh Contact APPA: info@...more >
140 results (page 1 of 7)